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Today we share with emotion the nice article written by Sebi Gonzalez, owner of the area of Autocaravanas Ciudad de Ronda, where we recommend you to stay overnight to discover this beautiful region. Attention to the beautiful photos attached!

With the question of a photographer friend about what is the best time of the year to visit these lands and take pictures, I have the great dilemma of not knowing what to answer, well yes, – try not to come in summer, I told him.

And so it is, in these parts the seasons of the year do not correspond -or less and less- with the dates of the almanac, equinoxes or solstice. Without going in depth about climate change, we are observing how the seasons develop throughout the year.

It is observed, not without some concern, that during the winter the days of rain and heavy snowfall have decreased considerably, which forewarns of a drier and longer than normal summer. With this, spring is getting shorter and shorter, with very hot days from the beginning of May until well into October. Apparently it is as if there were only two seasons; winter and summer. Spring and autumn are increasingly overlapping and diminishing.

So? Look, what I am going to do is that I put some photographs of my mountain range captured throughout the year separated by quarters starting with the winter in the month of January. Here you can see and decide when and how much you would like to visit and admire the work of art that constitute the landscapes of the Serrania de Ronda.

In winter, although not as much as desirable, the mountains and peaks are covered by a blanket of snow offering a dream landscape, both after a calm snowfall and after a strong storm to find the rejoicing pinsapos with icicles of ice on their branches. At the end of winter and revitalizing the streams and torrents again, the color and temperance of the spring environment explodes, with blooms appearing in every nook and cranny where there is some soil to sustain them.

Summer arrives with its long, hot days and almost always cool nights with starry skies vibrating and calling our attention to the stars and planets. The ground will be golden with the color of the ears of corn in the fields, and among the bushes of the mountains we begin to notice the cracked and parched earth, although one day it will be cloudy and we will be rewarded with a thirst-quenching downpour. Finally, and already quite advanced in the year, autumn appears. It begins to cool, to cover the valleys with a sea of clouds and to perceive the smell of damp earth. It is the time when everything goes from green to yellow and finally to a chromatic range of ochre, turning the landscape into warm coppery tones. Now we walk on a ground covered with fallen leaves creating a dreamlike atmosphere.

Any time and season is good to get to know and enjoy the landscapes of this fantastic land.

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